Flash News
Invitation for Sealed Quotation
Mandan Deupur Municipality
Mahadevsthan, Kavre
Invitation for Sealed Quotation
Sealed Quotation No: SQ09/2074-75
Date of publication: 2075/02/22 B.S
- The Mandan Deupur Municipality, Mahadevsthan, Kavre invites sealed quotation from eligible bidders for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of the Biometric Attendance Machine with Centralized Unicode Web-based e-attendance Software.
- Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the sealed quotation from the office of Mandan Deupur Muicipality.
- Sealed Quotation form may be purchased by eligible Bidders on the submission of a written application, along with the certified copy of company/firm registration certificate, VAT registration certificate and Tax clearance certificate of fiscal year 073/74 and self-declaration from to the office of Mandan Deupur Municipalityand upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1,000, within office hour of 15th day of date of notice publication.
- Sealed quotation must be submitted to the office of Mandan Deupur Municipality,Mahadevsthan, Kavre on or before 12:00 hrsof 2075/03/06 B.S. quotation received after this dead lin shall not be accepted.
- Sealed Quotation must be valid for a period of 30 days after opening of Sealed Quotations and must be accompanied Bank Deposit, Voucher as Cash Security on depositing following address or bid security of "A" Class Commercial Bank specified by Nepal Rastra Bank, amounting to inclusive of 13% VAT, which shall be valid for 75 days after opening date of the Sealed Quotations.
- Sealed Quotation shall be opened in the presence of Suppliers representatives who choose to attend 13:00 hrs of 2075/03/06 B.S. at the office of Mandan Deupur Municipality,Mahadesthan, Kavre.
Information to deposit the bid security in Bank
Name of the Bank: Janata Bank Nepal Ltd, Mahadevsthan,Kunta, Kavre
Office Code: Mandan Deupur Municipality
Account No.: 062009049687404
- If the last date of purchasing, submission and opening falls on a government holiday then the next working day shall be considered the last day. In such a case
- The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject, wholly or partly any or all the bids without assigning reason, whats ever.
- Matters not covered by this notice shall be in accordance with Public Procurement Act-2063, Public Procurement Regulation-2064 and their amendments.
Chief Executive Officer
Mandan Deupur Municipality